Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hello everyone!

So I'm passing by really quick to say hi and give notice that I am actually alive and also to show something new I completed a few months ago but have not posted anywhere until now. I was planning to post all of my new work until I had released my new website but since I don't have the sufficient time to dedicate to the new design of my website, I said - heck! why not share at least one of my newest artworks? right?

And well, here it is...

Surrender is a Photomanipulation. Its PSD file is over 2.6 GB (a pretty heavy file yes) It has a lot of layers! This new work actually shows some of my new acquired skills in Photoshop. And I happened to record a process video last night. Unfortunately the process video does not really show into detail the real process of the creation of Surrender.

I had initially considered to record an instructional video but since I really do not know if anyone would actually care for an instructional video I did a process video instead. An instructional video would take a lot more time to record and I would actually explain every single thing I did to pull of this work. Now, I'm still considering I might do the instructional video but I really want to know if there are a reasonable amount of people who would like to learn how to do something like this. So if you are one those people, drop me a note or an email and depending on the amount of requests I will record an instructional video for Surrender.

Here is the process video... check it out and I hope you like it. Gotta go now. See ya!

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